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David Campbell Jr.

Your Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet: Psalm 119:105

Your Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet

Psalm 119:105 Christian Standard Bible

105 Your word is a lamp for my feetand a light on my path.

            The word word means word; matter, affair; thing, something; word of God. Message (communication) — a communication that is most often spoken, but can come through other means.[1] It is God’s word communicated to us. It is the way He has chosen to reveal Himself to us. It is impossible to rightly know God without knowing His word. Every follower of Christ that fails to spend time daily in God’s word and meditate upon God’s word allows the devil to rob them. Often, we are either too busy or too distracted. But when we understand the beauty and magnificence of God’s word, we will organize our day around spending time in His word.

            The writer of the psalm says the word of God is lamp for my feet. The word lamp means light, lamp. Lamp — a small container with a wick that extending from it; typically burned oil in order to give light to a room.[2] The purpose of carrying a lamp before one’s feet was to be able to see when it was dark, and we could not see the way. It is the same in the world that we live in. The world is darkened by lie and deception. It is the word of God that acts as a lamp unto our feet. We are called to be led by The Holy Spirit and to walk in The Spirit. It is the Spirit of God who leads and guides us into all truth. It is the Holy Spirit who brings illumination and revelation of God’s word. Who not only helps us to understand but know how to apply the word of God. God orders our every step, but the more important question is are we following His leading?

            The word light means daylight, light, dawn. Light (sensation) — the visual sensation of light in contrast to darkness.[3] Have you ever gone out late at night or early in the morning when the sun had not risen yet or it wasn’t present? In the absence of light what exist is darkness. But when one shred of light invades the darkness, it begins to bring illumination. In this world before we come to Christ we are walking in darkness. We are blinded by the lies and deceptions of the enemy. But when the light and truth of God’s word comes in our path is illuminated. We come to understand that we have been created with purpose and destiny and as we come to know the one who created us, we come to know why we are here. We can navigate the path before us. The word of God is vital to this process.

            Today do you truly treasure the word of God. Is spending time in God’s word a priority in your life? Is your life organized around spending time in God’s word not only reading, but meditating upon the truth found in scripture? If the answer is no, I encourage you to begin to make changes to make God’s word the priority. When God’s word becomes the priority, it is truly life changing. We are transformed by the renewing of our minds. When God’s word becomes the priority, it truly becomes a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.


Father thank you for your word. Help me to know your word and understand your word. Help me Holy Spirit to apply your word to every decision and every step. Father may your word be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Father help me to be the son or daughter you have called me to be. Father deliver me from every lie of the enemy and help me to daily walk in your truth and love. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

[1] Rick Brannan, ed., Lexham Research Lexicon of the Hebrew Bible, Lexham Research Lexicons (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020).

[2] Rick Brannan, ed., Lexham Research Lexicon of the Hebrew Bible, Lexham Research Lexicons (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020).

[3] Rick Brannan, ed., Lexham Research Lexicon of the Hebrew Bible, Lexham Research Lexicons (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020).

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