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Whoever would foster love covers over an offense

David Campbell Jr.

Whoever would foster love covers over an offense, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.

The world today is divided, and it becomes more divided by the day as people reject God and His ways and embrace the lies of the enemy. But as followers of Jesus, our call is to walk in love and to be willing to forgive. This verse begins, "Whoever would foster love covers over an offense." Are we willing to forgive when we are wronged? Are we willing to release the person and let go when someone has injured us?

One of the main reasons people often isolate themselves and fail to become engaged in a local church is due to offense and hurt. The body of Christ is filled with broken individuals who are being transformed by the grace and love of God. The more we abide in Him, the more we become like Him. The issue is that some fail to abide. There are those who claim to represent Christ but, sadly, act and treat others more like Pharisees.

But the key to unity and moving forward is being willing to forgive and release. When we forgive, we cover over an offense. It no longer has the power to injure or hurt because we have forgiven and moved forward. When God forgives us, He chooses not to hold the offense against us or remember it. We must act like our Father in Heaven.

The second part of this verse states, "But whoever repeats the matter separates close friends." Those who hold on to offense and bring attention to it will perpetuate any discord and division that may exist. The question is, are we truly willing to forgive and let go? All of us have been injured at some point, but are we willing to forgive? The only way we can truly cover up our offense and move forward is if we are willing to forgive and let go.


Father help me to forgive. If there are things in my life that I am holding on to that are hurting my relationship with you, please help me to let go and forgive. Father help me to walk in your grace. Help me to have grace and patience for others who are difficult to love and deal with. Lead and guide me this day Holy Spirit. Fill my life to overflowing. Jesus be glorified in everything. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

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