What Then Shall We Say To All These Thing?
Romans 8:31-32 Amplified Bible
31 What then shall we say to all these things? If God is for us, who can be [successful] against us? 32 He who did not spare [even] His own Son, but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?
If God is for us who can be against us? When we come into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and we begin a personally relationship with Jesus, it is God who saves us. We are saved by the grace of God. God in His mercy grants us repentance. Regardless of what the devil may throw at us, it doesn’t matter because if God is for us, who can be against us.
I mean honestly think about that statement and truth. The God of all creation chooses us. He calls us. He draws us. He has created and designed us. The journey of faith is one of developing trust each step of the way. Yes, there will be spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is a daily part of the journey with following Jesus. Most satanic assaults come in the form of lies, deception, or temptation. But we are called to put on the full armor of God everyday so that we can take our stand against the schemes and assaults of the enemy.
But a big part of taking our stand against the devil is understanding truth. God did not spare His own Son. When we understand that God so loved the word, that He gave, we understand that God is driven and motivated by His love for us. Paul says that if God did not spare His own Son, how will He not graciously give us all things. Everything we have from God is a gift. The air we breathe, our every heartbeat, the food we eat, grace on a daily basis are all gifts from Almighty God.
Whatever God is asking and calling us to do, He will provide the grace needed to accomplish His purposes. Regardless of what Satan throws at us, we will not be moved. But we must be rooted and grounded in Christ. Our lives must be built upon the solid foundation of Jesus. This all begins with building our lives on the word of God. Our faith is not built on our feelings. Regardless of if I feel that God is with me, if my faith and hope are placed in Jesus Christ He is not only with me, but as I build my life upon Jesus, we will not be shaken.
Father thank you for your goodness and love. Thank you that you provide the grace needed to accomplish all you have called me to do in my life. Help me to build my life each day on the truth of your word. Guard my heart against every lie and deception of the enemy. Deliver my life daily. Us my life for your glory and your honor. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!