They Devoted Themselves
Acts 2:42 New International Version
42 They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
The early church was devoted to the apostles teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and to prayer. Prayer was foundational to everything they did and accomplished. In our day we often see churches that are spiritually dead and lifeless, and I think a main contribution to this the lack of prayer.
Some churches have become nothing more than a social club or gathering. Some churches have become inward focused. But I believe when we are continually devoting ourselves as a people to prayer that our hearts and minds become connected to God and His desire. In every life and local church, He has a specific purpose and mission. For us to discover what that is, we must draw near to Him in the place of prayer.
The bible tells us to pray without ceasing. We are to continually devote ourselves and seek the face of God. Too many times we may get to the place where we are simply going through the motions and giving God lip service. We are merely punching our ticket and doing our duty. But God wants far more than this. He wants us to seek Him. He desires to do great and mighty things in our midst. But for that to take place we must be devoted to prayer.
Our Lord and Savior lived a life devoted to prayer. Everything He did was because of His intimate connection with His Father daily. How much more for you and me. How much more should we be continually devoted to prayer? Often Satan’s number one strategy when trying to distinguish the fire of prayer is discouragement. The enemy will try to get our eyes off the Lord and to point out we presently don’t see anything happening with our natural eyes. But there is so much that God accomplishes through our prayers. He simply calls us to pray and if we would devote ourselves to prayer, we would see the hand of God accomplish mighty things in our day.
Father help us to be devoted continually to prayer. Help us not to give in to discouragement and the lies of the enemy. Give us the strength and perseverance needed to continue to pray and seek your face. Father we desire to see you accomplish mighty things in our day through prayer. We understand that unceasing prayer is essential to this. By your grace and power, fill us and empower us to pray without ceasing. We love and thank you and pray that Jesus your name would be high and lifted up.