The You Were Enriched In Him in Every Way
1 Corinthians 1:4-5 Christian Standard Bible
4 I always thank my God for you because of the grace of God given to you in Christ Jesus, 5 that you were enriched in him in every way, in all speech and all knowledge.
Paul was a man of deep and unceasing prayer. He continually prayed for those that he shepherded and the churches that he had planted and established. Here Paul says I always thank my God for you because of the grace of God given to you in Christ Jesus. The word grace means grace, good will, favor. Conveys the sense of a gift of kindness and favor given to a person or persons.[1] God’s grace is His favor bestowed on a life. It is not earned but given through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Paul understood this better than anyone based on the life he had lived before Jesus saved him. He didn’t deserve God’s grace or salvation. God had stopped him on the road to Damascus when he was in the process of pursuing Christians to arrest and destroy them.
But this reveals the heart of God for humanity. His desire is that none should perish but all come to everlasting life. God will bestow His grace and salvation on whoever He chooses. None of us on this earth deserve the grace of God, but in His mercy, He pours His grace out upon us. The game changer for any life that impacts not only a person’s life on this earth but also their eternity is what they do with Jesus Christ.
God’s grace will enrich our lives in every way. The word enrich means enrich; make rich. It is the goodness of God poured out upon us. Paul’s prayer is that they would be enriched in all areas of life, especially in the areas of all speech and knowledge. Why would speech and knowledge be a focus? What we say reflects the heart and it also reveals what we understand. Paul’s desire is that those who were growing in Christ would have a right understanding of who they are in Christ and what is available to them. It says in God’s word that His people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). When we fail to have a right understanding of God and His ways, it will impact our relationship with God. God’s desire is that we would not only know Him, but we would live it out on a daily basis.
Who are you mentoring or discipling today? Is there anyone that you have personally decided to invest in? God hasn’t called any believer to simply sit on the sideline and be ineffective. If you are a brand-new believer in Christ I encourage you to get connected and invested in a local church. Seek the Lord for someone who will mentor and disciple you in Christ. But if you have walked with the Lord for some time and are not currently discipling anyone, begin to ask The Holy Spirit to bring someone into your life who will disciple you. May we pray for one another and pray that we would be enriched by God’s grace in every way especially in all speech and knowledge.
Father thank you for your grace, love, and mercy. Help me to understand you and your word in a greater way. Father may my hunger for you increase. May I grow in my relationship with you. May you bring people into my life to mentor and disciple. Father teach me to rightly invest in those who are growing in their relationship with you. Father help me to see others as you see them. Father may your will be done in all things. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!
[1] Joshua G. Mathews, “Blessing,” ed. Douglas Mangum et al., Lexham Theological Wordbook, Lexham Bible Reference Series (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2014).