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Stay Awake and Pray: Matthew 26:41

David Campbell Jr.

Stay Awake And Pray

Matthew 26:41 Lexham English Bible

41 Stay awake and pray that you will not enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak!”

How many times have we lost the battle to temptation? I know in my life that this has happened more than I can even count. I have so royal failed God and given into temptation that I was convinced in my mind that God could no longer use me. But sadly, I didn’t fully understand His grace and I also didn’t understand the key to overcoming temptation.

Our fleshly nature is weak. When we try to accomplish anything in our own strength and power, we will fail. Often God will allow us to face satanic assault and opposition to reveal the weaknesses within us. God will allow us to go through spiritual battles to teach us to let go of our own strength, power, and wisdom and will teach us to rely fully upon Him and His grace. One of the greatest ways we do this is through prayer.

The context of this scripture is in the Garden of Gethsemane as Jesus is praying before going to the cross. Jesus is speaking to His inner three circle who have been called to watch and pray. One in particular is Peter. Shortly after this Peter would deny knowing Jesus three times. Some would look at the denial of Peter and would believe he was disqualified from serving and being used by God. But when Jesus chose Peter, He knew the weaknesses that existed in Peter. One of Peter’s greatest weaknesses was His pride and self-reliance. Ultimately this is what led to Peter failing and denying the Lord. When Jesus had called them to pray, they instead fell asleep multiple times.

We must be people of deep and abiding prayer. We live in an age of deception, and it is only going to increase. There are mighty things that God has ahead for us as the body of Christ, but our lives and our churches must be houses of prayer. When a person or a body of believers becomes a house of prayer they stop relying on man’s wisdom and power and instead begin to fully rely on God for all things. This sets the stage for the glory of God to be physically manifested and for the supernatural power of God’s kingdom to be revealed.

Sadly, many churches and individuals in America have become prayerless. They have become houses of entertainment where instead of being led by The Holy Spirit and being a house of prayer, they instead have used methods that are born out of the wisdom of man, look more like business and advertising strategies and in the end simply appeal to the flesh. They may draw a crowd, but sadly true kingdom advancement doesn’t take place.

May we commit to be a house of prayer. May we understand that indeed the flesh is weak, but The Spirit is strong. The grace of God is sufficient and regardless of what we face, God will equip and enable us to overcome. May our lives and our churches be a house of prayer. May we dedicate time each day to spend in God’s presence and seek His face. May His kingdom come and His will be done. May we be faithful to watch and prayer.


Father help me to pray. Teach me to pray. May my life be a house of prayer. Father may you lead, guide, and direct me in all things. May my flesh be crucified on a daily basis and may I be led by you Holy Spirit in all things. Remove anything from my life that would hinder your work and purpose. In the name of Jesus, Amen!

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