Seek Yahweh
1 Chronicles 16:11 Lexham English Bible
11 Seek Yahweh and his strength; seek his face continually!
The word seek here in the Hebrew means seek with care, care for; enquire about, investigate; be intent on; make supplication.[1] to seek — to try to get or reach something one desires[2]. We are called to seek Yahweh. We are called to enquire, investigate, to seek after the Living God with all that is within us. When we seek Him, we will find Him. When we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us.
What Yahweh desires more than anything is deeper and greater intimacy with us. What Adam and Eve had in the garden was uninterrupted intimacy with Yahweh. They would walk with Him in the cool of the evening. He would share His heart with them. But when sin entered in, all of this changed. When Yahweh came walking in the garden, instead of drawing near, they hid from Him because of their sin.
But in Jesus Christ this has all changed. Through Jesus Christ our sins have been atoned for. He is our propitiation. He has satisfied the wrath of Almighty God because He took it upon Himself. He paid the debt that we could not pay. The question is why? Why would Jesus go to such lengths to redeem and restore humanity to right relationship with Himself? Because of His love for us. He who knew no sin has become sin for us so that we can be redeemed, washed clean, and we are able to draw near to God without fear.
When we seek Yahweh, we will find His strength. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. There is nothing God calls us to accomplish in our own strength. God calls us to do all things by His strength and His power. Paul even writes in Ephesians 6:10 Finally, become strong in the Lord and in the might of his strength. One of the great lies of the enemy is we are sufficient in ourselves. The truth is we are not. We cannot fix ourselves nor solve our own problems. But when we trust in the Lord and seek Him, we will see restoration and healing become a reality in our lives.
The Hebrew word for strength here is ʿōz and it means might, strength; in strength; fortified, strong, well founded[3]. When you and I choose to seek Yahweh with all of our heart what becomes a reality in our lives is His might and strength, we are strengthened in Him, we are fortified, we are made strong, and our lives are built on a foundation that is unmovable. When Jesus says the wise man built His house on a rock, this is why He said this. Seeking and living for Yahweh makes all the difference.
The word continually in Hebrew means lasting, continually; continuously; continual; continuity[4]. We are not called to seek the Lord one day and that’s it. We are not called to seek Him for a few days and stop. We are called to seek Him continually. Day in and day out we are called to seek Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. We are called to seek Him with everything. When this becomes the reality, our lives will become a habitation of His glory. His presence will mark our lives. Everywhere we go we have the opportunity to impact those around us because He lives within us and it is because we have made the decision to seek Him continually.
Father thank you for your presence. Thank you for the honor and privilege to seek you continually. Father thank you for your strength. Thank you that you go before us. That you establish our steps. Thank you that nothing takes you by surprise and nothing is greater than you. You are Yahweh. You are God Almighty. May every part of my being worship you.
[1] Rick Brannan, ed., Lexham Research Lexicon of the Hebrew Bible, Lexham Research Lexicons (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020). [2] Rick Brannan, ed., Lexham Research Lexicon of the Hebrew Bible, Lexham Research Lexicons (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020). [3] Rick Brannan, ed., Lexham Research Lexicon of the Hebrew Bible, Lexham Research Lexicons (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020). [4] Rick Brannan, ed., Lexham Research Lexicon of the Hebrew Bible, Lexham Research Lexicons (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020).