Seek The Kingdom Of God Above All Else
Matthew 6:33 (New Living Translation)
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
What are our priorities? What is it we are truly seeking in life? Is it money, fame, sex, influence, position, or platform? It is important to do an inventory of one’s heart and life. At times in our lives, we can have blind spots. We can believe we are moving in the right direction and be blinded to what is truly going on.
God calls us to seek Him above all else. In some translations it says to seek first the kingdom of God. The word seek is the Greek word zēteō and it means to try to get or reach something one desires. The question is what are our desires? What are the things in the depth of our heart we are seeking after? Are we seeking after the American dream? Is our pursuit of our lives daily simply to be happy and consume what our sinful selfish nature desires? But Jesus shows us a better way.
He says to seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously. To live righteously means that we are abiding in Christ. The very character and nature of Christ is being produced within us. It is not only being produced, but it is being manifested daily in our lives. It is impossible to do what God has called us to do without His help, grace, and power. But He has given us His word as a road map of our lives. The key is truly seeking Him with our whole heart.
God’s promise is as we truly seek Him with everything, that He will meet our every need. Does Jesus know what we need? Is God able to meet all our needs? The answer is yes. This is God Almighty that we are talking about. The very one who created all things out of nothing with His spoken word. Whatever we need He will provide. Whatever we need He knows before we even ask. But the key is for us to truly seek the Kingdom of God with everything.
Father thank you for loving me. Thank you for the promises of your word. Thank you that you have given me your word to guide and direct my life. Help me to glorify your name in all things. Remove from my life anything that would grieve you or be against your word. Thank you again for loving me and leading me each day. In the name of Jesus, Amen!