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Jesus’ Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecy

David Campbell Jr.


NT Reference

Prophetic Passage(s) Cited/Fulfilled

The virgin birth

Matt 1:22–23

Isa 7:14 (LXX)

The Messiah originating from Bethlehem

Matt 2:5–6

Combination of Mic 5:2 and 2 Sam 5:2

The holy family escapes to Egypt

Matt 2:15

Hos 11:1

The massacre of the infants

Matt 2:17–18

Jer 31:15

The holy family settles in Nazareth

Matt 2:23

No clear OT referent; possibly alluding to Isa 11:1, or to the OT concept of a Nazirite (e.g., Judg 13:5, 7; 16:17; 1 Sam 2)

John the Baptist as precursor to Jesus

Matt 3:3; Mark 1:2–3; Luke 3:4–6

Combines elements of Mal 3:1; Isa 40:3; and Exod 23:20

Jesus settles in Capernaum, in the territory of Zebulun and Naphtali

Matt 4:14–16

Isa 9:1–2

Jesus claims to fulfill the Law and the Prophets

Matt 5:17

No specific OT referent

Jesus’ ministry of healing and exorcism

Matt 8:17

Isa 53:4

Jesus appeals to Isaianic prophecy as proof that he is the “one who is to come into the world”

Matt 11:4–6; compare John 6:14

Likely based on Isa 29:18–19; 35:5–6; 61:1–2

John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus

Matt 11:10; Luke 7:27

Based on Mal 3:1

The secrecy of Jesus’ ministry

Matt 12:17–21

Isa 42:1–4

Jesus offers the sign of Jonah

Matt 12:39–40; 16:4; Luke 11:29–30

Jesus here refers to the story of Jonah more broadly rather than to a specific prophetic quote

The reason for Jesus’ parabolic teaching

Matt 13:14–15; Mark 4:12; Luke 8:10

Isa 6:9–10

More prophetic support for Jesus’ parabolic teaching

Matt 13:35

Ps 78:2

Jesus sitting on a donkey’s colt

Matt 21:4–5; John 12:15

Zech 9:9; compare Isa 62:11

“Blessed is he (or, the king) who comes in the name of the Lord”

Mark 11:9; Luke 19:38; John 12:13

Psa 118:26

The suffering death of the Son of Man at the hands of Gentiles, and the resurrection

Luke 18:31–33

“the prophets”

The betrayal of the Son of Man

Matt 26:24; Mark 14:21

No clear OT references

The desertion by the disciples

Matt 26:31; Mark 14:27

Based on Zech 13:7; compare Isa 53:6

Jesus’ violent arrest

Matt 26:56

“the scriptures of the prophets”

The chief priests use Judas’ abandoned blood money to purchase a field

Matt 27:9–10

Matthew attributes the quote to Jeremiah (possibly thinking of both Jer 18:1–3 and 32:6–15), though the text is a paraphrase of Zech 11:13

The mistreatment of the Son of Man

Mark 9:12

No clear OT references Perhaps based partly on Ps 22:7

The rejection of Jesus

Mark 12:10–11; Acts 4:11; Eph 2:20; 1 Pet 2:7

Ps 118:22–23

Jesus presents himself as the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecies

Luke 4:18–21

Combines elements of Isa 61:1–2; 58:6

Jesus counted as one of the criminals

Luke 22:37

Based on Isa 53:12

The resurrected Jesus interprets scripture with reference to Himself

Luke 24:26–27

No clear OT reference

“everything that is written about me … must be fulfilled”

Luke 24:44

“the law of Moses and the prophet and psalms”

Jesus, the one about whom Moses and the prophets wrote

John 1:45

No explicit OT reference

The cleansing of the temple

John 2:17

Ps 69:9

Moses wrote about Jesus

John 5:39, 40, 46, 47

No explicit OT reference

Jesus is the prophet like Moses

John 6:14; Acts 3:22–23

Deut 18:15–20

The Messiah is descended from David, and from Bethlehem

John 7:42

Ps 89:4; Mic 5:2

Authorities deny that scripture predicts a prophet from Galilee

John 7:52

No explicit OT reference

The rejection of Jesus

John 12:38–40

Quotes from Isa 6:10; 53:1

Hatred of Jesus

John 15:25

Likely based on Pss 35:19; 69:4; 109:3

Roman soldiers divide Jesus’ clothes and cast lots for his tunic

John 19:24

Psa 22:18

The Messiah must rise from the dead

John 20:9

No explicit OT reference

Christ’s death took place according to God’s plan

Acts 2:23

Here “plan” may allude to prophetic fulfillment, i.e., that God’s plan concerning Christ is discernible in the OT

Christ’s resurrection was spoken of by David

Acts 2:25–28

Ps 16:8–11

The Messiah’s resurrection

Acts 2:31; 13:32–33; 26:22–23

Pss 2:7; 16:10

God, through the prophets, foretold the suffering of the Messiah

Acts 3:18

Referring back to the proof-texts in Acts 2:23–31

Gentile authorities stand against the Messiah

Acts 4:25–26

Ps 2:1–2

Philip teaches the Ethiopian eunuch that Isaianic prophecy refers to Jesus

Acts 8:32–35

Isa 53:7–8

The prophets testify to Jesus and forgiveness of sins through his name

Acts 10:43

“the prophets”

Jesus the savior from the seed of David

Acts 13:22–23

No specific OT reference

The death of the Messiah

Acts 13:29; Acts 26:22–23; 1 Pet 1:10–11

“the prophets and Moses” in Acts 26:22

The Messiah’s resurrection and protection from corruption

Acts 13:34–35

Isa 55:3 (LXX); Ps 16:10

The gospel promised beforehand in the scriptures

Rom 1:2

“through his prophets”

The righteousness of God through faith in Christ is attested by the Law and the Prophets

Rom 3:21–22

“the law and the prophets”

The Deliverer from Zion

Rom 11:26–27

Isa 59:20–21

“Christ did not please himself”

Rom 15:3

Ps 68:10

Christ became a servant of the Jews so that Gentiles would come to glorify God

Rom 15:8–12; Acts 26:22–23

Ps 18:49; Deut 32:43 (LXX); Ps 117:1; Isa 11:10 (LXX)

“Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures”

1 Cor 15:3–4

No specific OT reference

Christ became a “life-giving spirit” as a natural development from the fleshly Adam

1 Cor 15:45

Gen 2:7

Christ became a curse

Gal 3:13

See Gen 12:3; Deut 27:15–26; 28:15–68

God’s Son was temporarily made “a little lower than the angels”

Heb 2:7

Ps 8:4–6

The Messiah’s death and resurrection

 John D. Barry et al., Faithlife Study Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012, 2016).

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