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David Campbell Jr.

In These Last Days Has Spoken To Us In His Son: Hebrews 1:1-2

In These Last Days Has Spoken To Us In His Son

Hebrews 1:1-2 NASB

God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.

Throughout Genesis to Malachi, God used prophets as His mouthpiece to the people of Israel. Prophets were chosen and called by God. If a prophet prophesied something that did not happen the penalty was death by stoning. Some of the great prophets of Israel were Moses, Samuel, Elijah, and Elisha. All of them were mightily used by God to speak to the people. Not only communicating the word of the Lord, but also confronting the children of God with truth. But Moses did tell the people of Israel The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your countrymen, you shall listen to him” (Deut 18:15). When Moses spoke these words, he spoke of the coming Messiah. The Messiah would come, and He would communicate to people from God Almighty.

We must also remember that the author of Hebrews was writing to Jewish Christians who were considering turning their backs on Jesus because of the persecution they were facing. Every believer in Jesus always will be tested when persecution comes. The persecution these believers faced was under the rule and reign of Nero. Nero was exceptionally cruel. But thankfully the grace of God is sufficient, and His strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Cor 12:8-10). So, no matter what we face as believers in Christ we must hold fast to the faith in Jesus. It is the only hope we have and to abandon faith in Jesus is to abandon all hope. Even if it means temporary relief, it will only last for a moment. We must abide in Christ because apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15).

But now he turns our attention to God’s Son. Yes in the past He spoke by the prophets, but now He has spoken to us by His Son. There is no one greater than the Son of God. The purpose of Hebrews is to show and reveal the excellency of who Jesus is. There is no one greater than the Son of God. When you are writing to Jewish Christians and they are considering abandoning the new covenant found in Christ to return to the Old Covenant under the law, who will take your time to show how Christ is not only greater, but He is the only way unto Heaven. What determines if a person will spend all eternity in God’s kingdom or not is not their works, their performance, or how well they lived according to the law. It is only dependent on if they come to know and place their faith and trust in Jesus alone. He has paid the ultimate price at Calvary. When He cried it is finished upon the cross, He paid a debt that we could not pay. Through faith in Him alone our sins are forgiven, we are redeemed, and we become a new creation in Christ (2 Cor 5:17).

All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given unto Jesus. He sits at the right hand of the Father. He is appointed heir of all things. All things belong to Jesus. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. To abandon faith in Christ is to abandon the position and standing we have through Jesus Christ. In Him we are declared righteous and if we abandon faith in Christ, that righteousness no longer exists. For our righteousness is but filthy rags before Almighty God. It is nothing to the Living God. It will never atone for our sins. But through Christ alone our sins are not only atoned for, but they are also washed way, and the wrath of God is satisfied through all the Son suffered. Because Jesus is the heir of all things we will rule and reign with Him in His kingdom. Through Jesus we are adopted in God’s family, and we are given The Holy Spirit who cries Abba Father. The Spirit of God comes to live within us, and we are born again.

All things were created through Jesus. He spoke all things into existence. He holds all things together by His mighty power (Col 1:15). When Jesus spoke to the storm to be stilled, it was the Living God speaking to creation. It is through His word that all things were created. He is the Author of Life. Throughout Hebrews we will see time and time again, the writer through the leading of the Holy Spirit shows the greatness of Jesus and the foolishness of abandoning faith in Christ. But because all things were made through Him it shows that He is God and because He is God, we have nothing to fear. Regardless of the suffering we face, He will sustain us. He will enable us. He will equip us. All things are possible through Him.


Father help me to understand the greatness of who Jesus is. Jesus help me to know you intimately and help me to be willing to pay any price it cost to follow you. Holy Spirit help me to know your voice and your leading. Help me to truly be a disciple and no matter the cost, may I follow you faithfully and truly be your disciple.

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