I Am the Light of the World
John 8:12 New King James Version
12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”
John in his gospel brings forth this comparison between light and darkness. Light and darkness represent good and evil. It represents truth and lies. With truth nothing is hidden. With lies and deceptions things are presented as one thing but below the surface they mean something else. The light here means light. Agent which shines and makes visibility possible. Light is the brightness which enables human beings to see (Eph 5:13). The nt metaphorically describes Jesus as light (phōs; e.g., Luke 2:32; John 8:12; Eph 5:13–14); light (phōs) is also used as a metaphor for order and truth.[1] When we walk with Jesus and come to know Him we have our eyes open and we are able to see.
Those who don’t know Jesus Christ walk in darkness. When a person walks in darkness they don’t know where they are going because they can’t see the path in front of them. They can’t avoid obstacles in front of them and they could easily be taken advantage of by those who are hiding in the shadows. This is why our world is filled with confusion on so many levels. When people have no knowledge of God they walk in darkness. They don’t know who they are, and they are filled with confusion concerning their identity. They have come to build their lives on the lies of the devil. What the devil has said about them in either their most intimate thoughts or through the mouths of others.
But those who have come to know Christ walk in the light. True abundant life fills them. They can see the path before them. They have come to understand their purpose and destiny. The more they walk with Jesus, the more they become like Him. The more we remain and abide in Him, the more His life and kingdom is produced in us. There is a contrast for either living for the devil or living for God. Every day we have a choice to either be led by The Holy Spirit or chase after the desires of the sinful nature. The enemy will indeed entice us with the things of sin and wickedness, but if we chase after and indulge in them, they carry a heavy price. But The Holy Spirit desires to led and guide us in all our ways. He desires to lead and guide us into all truth. Every day an invitation stands before us to meet with Him and grow in intimacy with Him. To know His heart and voice. The more we simply fellowship and commune with The Holy Spirit, the greater our level of intimacy with Him will be. The more we will simply walk in light and truth in all areas of life.
Father thank you today for light and truth. Thank you that in knowing Jesus I no longer walk in darkness, but The Holy Spirit lives inside me and guides me in all things. Father thank you for your goodness and love. Thank you that you have led me from the place of darkness and that I have been adopted into your kingdom. Father have your way in my heart and life. May my life honor you in all things. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!
[1] Jonathon Lookadoo, “Celestial Bodies,” ed. Douglas Mangum et al., Lexham Theological Wordbook, Lexham Bible Reference Series (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2014).