He Has Inherited A More Excellent Name Than They
Hebrews 1:4-6 NASB
4 having become so much better than the angels, to the extent that He has inherited a more excellent name than they.
5 For to which of the angels did He ever say,
“You are My Son,Today I have fathered You”?
And again,
“I will be a Father to HimAnd He will be a Son to Me”?
6 And when He again brings the firstborn into the world, He says,
“And let all the angels of God worship Him.”
Jesus has inherited a more excellent name than the angels. Here the writer of Hebrews is going to begin to show the greatness of Jesus. The entire letter of Hebrews is a case for the greatness of Christ. Again, he is writing to Jewish Christians who are considering abandoning faith in Christ because of persecution under Nero. As Nero came to power, persecution against the body of Christ increased. Whenever a nation is led by wicked rulers, the people under their rule will suffer greatly.
The writer of Hebrews has not yet used the name of Jesus but here he begins to use the name Son. We see that He uses reference to many well-known Psalms that had Messianic implications. He begins by stating “for which of the angels did God ever say”. What he references here is from Psalm 2:7. Here the reference is God speaking to His Son. God never referred to any of the angels as Son. They are ministering spirits created by the Living God. The Son is not created but has always been with The Father. Jesus is not only The Son of God, but He is also God Almighty and is worthy to be praised. But by bringing up this title of Son, he is showing that the Son is far greater and higher than the angels.
The next Psalm the writer of Hebrews references is 2 Samuel 7:14. He again under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit reveals the relationship between Jesus and the Father. It says You are my Son, today I have Fathered You. This is God the Father declaring that Jesus is indeed the Son of God. Jesus didn’t choose this title and we even see at His baptism that The Father declared from Heaven “this is my Son in whom I am well pleased”. The only way we can be saved is to declare with our mouths and believe in our hearts Jesus is Lord. By the grace of God, we come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
The angels are called to worship the Lord. For the writer of Hebrews references Deuteronomy 32:43 from the Septuagint. The Septuagint was the Greek translation of the Old Testament. Often the New Testament writers would quote and use the Septuagint. Because it is quoted through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we know it is inspired by The Holy Spirit. But here in this reference the angels are called to worship Him. Before this reference the writers of Hebrews speaks of Jesus as The First born. It doesn’t mean Jesus was created; it speaks of a position of rank just as Jesus is referred to the only begotten of The Father.
The writer of Hebrews under the inspiration and leading of the Holy Spirit is showing the greatness of Jesus. If we abandon faith in Jesus, we are left with nothing. If these Jewish Christians were to return to the law and Moses, they would be without hope. The purpose of the law is not to save or even make a person righteous, the purpose of the law is to reveal what sin is and to show clearly man’s need for a savior (Romans 3:19-20). Once we see our sin and our need of a Savior, the only course of action is to run to Jesus. So, to run from Jesus because of the threat of persecution is mere foolishness. The writer of Hebrews is concerned about the spiritual welfare of these believers and God is concerned with our welfare today. Yes, the pressure and opposition against Christians continues to grow on the earth, but may we hold fast to the faith we have in Jesus Christ. For it is in Him alone that hope is found.
Father help us to stand and build our lives upon the foundation of Jesus. Help us to stand when the world stands against us. Give us strength each day that is only found in you. Help us to abide in you and to hear clearly from you. Father forgive us when we given into fear and fill us with your boldness and your strength. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen