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For You Were Called To Freedom

David Campbell Jr.

For You Were Called To Freedom

Galatians 5:13 NASB2020

For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another through love.

In Christ we are called to freedom. Who the Son has set free is free indeed. We are no longer under the demands of the law. We are called to live by the Spirit and to walk by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one who leads and guides us into all truth. He is our guide; He is our paraclete. But the freedom we have in Christ carries a great responsibility.

We are not called to use the freedom we have to indulge the sinful nature or as an opportunity for the flesh. We might have the opinion that we are covered by the grace of God and have placed our faith in Christ, so what I do with my body doesn’t really matter because I have been born again spiritually. But Paul makes it clear in 1 Corinthians that our bodies are a temple of The Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God lives inside of us. Wherever we go and whatever we do, we have The Holy Spirit with us. What we do with our physical bodies does indeed impact our relationship with Almighty God.

But instead of using our freedom to indulge the sinful nature, we should instead use our lives to serve one another. The freedom we have in Christ actually sets us free to live in obedience. We were once slaves of sin before we came to Jesus Christ. Now we have been called to become slaves of righteousness. The law of God has been written on our hearts. In Christ we are a brand-new creation. As we grow in Christ our hearts and minds become one with His. We are transformed from the inside out. May we be committed to truly be living sacrifices unto the Lord.

Are you serving the body of Christ? In the local church you are a part of have you begun to find a place to serve. God hasn’t called anyone to merely be a spectator, but He has called us to use the gifts He has given us, to use them to benefit the greater good of His people, and to get off the sidelines and into the game. Our Lord and Savior is coming soon. May we live each day for His glory and not use the freedom we have to pursue the things of the flesh and the world. Instead, may we use the freedom we have to truly serve one another.


Father help me to live each day for you. Help me to find a place to serve and to use the gifts and talents you have given me. Help me not to waste my life on pursuing the flesh and the emptiness of this world. But may I be changed and transformed each day by the power and might of The Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit have your way and use my life for your glory and your honor, in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

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