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Abiding in Him: Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord

David Campbell Jr.

Jeremiah 17:7-8

7 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,

And whose hope is the Lord.

8 For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters,

Which spreads out its roots by the river,

And will not fear when heat comes;

But its leaf will be green,

And will not be anxious in the year of drought,

Nor will cease from yielding fruit.

Do we truly trust God? This is a question we must all answer on a daily basis. It is easy to trust God when life is going smoothly and there are few to no challenges. But I have found that the deeper we grow with Christ, the greater and more often we face challenges.

Here we find a promise from God. He tells us that blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose hope is the Lord. The word blessed is the Hebrew word "brk," which means to bless; to praise; (pt. pass) blessed, filled with strength, full; praised, adored; and wishing a blessing on oneself. The word trusts is the Hebrew word "baṭaḥ," meaning to trust; to believe. It primarily expresses trusting in another person or thing. When we trust and believe God at His word, we discover that His blessing and strength are poured out in our lives. He strengthens us for everything we will face. It doesn't matter the size of the giant or storm we encounter when we trust God, because in the end, God will work it all together for our good and as a blessing.

The Lord gives us a picture of what happens when someone trusts and hopes in Him. He tells us that such a person shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads its roots by the river and will not fear when heat comes; its leaves will be green and it will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will it cease to yield fruit. A tree planted by waters is one that will never lack nutrients. It will be strong, and its roots will grow deep into the soil. Regardless of the challenges or trials that arise, it will not fear. Its leaves will be green, signifying that it is always filled with the life of God. Jesus calls us to abide in Him, requiring us to trust in and place our hope in Him through every situation.

Those who trust and hope in the Lord will be shielded from anxiety. Fear and anxiety are among the devil's great weapons used to paralyze and destroy the believer. Ultimately, trusting and placing our hope in God will yield fruitfulness in our lives. However, for fruit to be produced, we must remain continually connected to the Lord each day. As His word fills our minds and hearts, and we meditate on His promises, our minds are renewed and our lives transformed.

Today, may we be the person described in this verse. May we trust in God at all times, understanding that He is greater. He is sovereign and in control of all we will face. May our hearts and minds be one with His. May He deliver us daily from every lie and deception of the devil.


Father today thank you for your promises. Thank you for your plans. Father thank you that you are faithful and that you will work all things together for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Father lead, guide, and direct me in all things and may my life glorify you in all things. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

 The New King James Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982), Je 17:8.

 Chris Kugler, “Faith,” in Lexham Theological Wordbook, ed. Douglas Mangum et al., Lexham Bible Reference Series (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2014).

 Rick Brannan, ed., Lexham Research Lexicon of the Hebrew Bible, Lexham Research Lexicons (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020).

 The New King James Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982), Je 17:7–8.



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