وضعه الله على قلب القس ديف منذ سنوات عديدة ليقوم يومًا ما بزرع كنيسة. تتمثل مهمة الكنيسة في إيصال قلب الآب إلى عالم محطم وضال. سيتم تسليم كل جانب من جوانب الكنيسة وكل الخدمات التي يتم إجراؤها بواسطة الروح القدس. ما بدا وكأنه حلم منذ سنوات عديدة أصبح الآن حقيقة واقعة .
فريق القيادة
نشأ القس ديف في فيستال ، نيويورك. رغبته هي ببساطة ربط الأشخاص الذين لا يعرفون المسيح بعلاقة حقيقية وتغيير الحياة معه.
تخرج القس ديف من مدرسة فيستال الثانوية. تخرج أيضًا من جامعة ولاية نيويورك كورتلاند بدرجة بكالوريوس العلوم في التعليم ومن جامعة والدن بدرجة ماجستير العلوم في التعليم مع التركيز على تطوير المناهج والتعليم والتقييم.
عرف القس ديف أنه تم استدعاؤه للخدمة عندما كان مراهقًا ، لكن طريق التحضير كان ممتعًا. بعد العمل كمدرس للتربية البدنية في مدرسة Spencer - Van Etten School ، تولى القس ديف منصبًا بدوام جزئي كقسيس للتواصل في City Church في Binghamton NY. بدأ في النهاية في خدمة وقت كامل مثل كل من راعي التواصل في حرم بينغهامتون وراعي الحرم الجامعي في حرم نورويتش.
ثم وجهه الله إلى تريسي كريك حيث شغل منصب القس الرئيسي. الآن فتح الله الباب لزرع الكنيسة التي وضعها الله دائمًا في قلب القس ديف. عندما لا يكون القس ديف منخرطًا في الوزارة ، فإنه يستمتع بقضاء الوقت مع العائلة والكتابة والتدريب والتمرين.
قام ديفيد كامبل الأب بتدريس الكتاب المقدس لأكثر من 30 عامًا في أماكن كنسية مختلفة. إنه يستمتع بتدريس موضوعات حول الإيمان والتلمذة والصلاة وعلم الأمور الأخيرة (دراسة أحداث نهاية الزمان) وكتب الكتاب المقدس ورجال ونساء الكتاب المقدس. في عام 1994 بدأ في ملء منابر الكنائس المختلفة واستمر ذلك لأكثر من 25 عامًا.
خلال سنوات خدمته خدم في العديد من المناصب المختلفة ؛ بعض هذه الخدمات كانت مديرًا تربويًا ، ومعلم مدرسة الأحد للبالغين ، وشماسًا للكنيسة ، ولعدة سنوات شارك في إنتاج دراما الكتاب المقدس حيث أتيحت له فرصة رائعة لملء أدوار إبراهيم وداود وسمعان وبيتر وبولس. وكان أكثر دور مبارك للجميع هو المسيح. في سبتمبر 1996 ، تلقى داود أوراق اعتماده الوزارية من خلال جمعيات الله.
في أكتوبر 2017 ، أصبح ديفيد مؤلفًا منشورًا لكتابه "رحلتي عبر وادي ظل الموت". تخرج ديفيد من مدرسة فيستال الثانوية في عام 1971. أكمل دراسته الجامعية لمدة عامين من كلية بروم كوميونيتي في التسويق واستمر في العمل لمدة 36 عامًا مع آي بي إم ولوكهيد مارتن. تزوج هو وسوزان في عام 1979 ولديهما 3 أبناء و 9 أحفاد - حتى الآن.
Pastor Curt was born in Binghamton and graduated from Vestal High School. He also graduated from Broome Community and Binghamton University with a Master’s degree in Business Administration in 1983.
Pastor Curt has worked at Universal Instruments for many years but has been called out of industry 3 times since 1989. In 1989, he spent 1 year at Elyon Word Ministry in South Africa. In 1997, God called him to work for the Kings Church in Wellington, England for nearly 3 years. Then in 2016, God called him to serve as the Administrative Pastor at Mercy Point Church in Watertown, New York. God has also called Pastor Curt to several short term overseas missions as well.
Pastor Curt has been involved in many areas of ministry since his teenage years. He first started in music ministry and has been active in music since the mid-1970’s. He has also been involved in preaching, leading life groups and missions trips. He and his wife, Bernadette also have a passion for animals. They both enjoy spending time with their animals when they have some quiet time at home.
Director of Deacons and Deaconess Ministry
Bob Vandermark
Bob Vandermark is an Endicott native graduating from Union Endicott High School in 1967. After graduation he began his career with IBM and Lockheed Martin starting out as a machinist. Returning in 1971, after serving two years in the U.S. Army, he completed an apprenticeship with IBM as a tool and model maker and went on to obtain a two year degree from Broome Community College in Industrial Technology. In 2009 he retired as a program manager after a 42 year career with IBM and Lockheed Martin.
He and Lori were married in 1972 and together have been blessed with three children and nine grandchildren. Family is a very important aspect of their life and they enjoy spending time together. In his free time Bob enjoys doing family research.
Bob was saved as a young teenager but it was after his marriage to Lori that his faith began to really grow and deepen. Together they share a deep love for the Lord and spend time daily in God’s word and prayer. His desire is for others to come to accept Jesus’s offer of Salvation.
Dianne was born in Ilion, NY, grew up in Herkimer and graduated from Herkimer High School. She grew up in a Christian home and was saved at an early age. She also graduated from the State University College at Geneseo.
Dianne and Richard were married in 1970.
She worked as a speech pathologist at Maine Endwell School District. She was introduced to the Holy Spirit at the Apalachin Methodist Church. After the children were born Dianne continued to work as a speech pathologist at Tioga Central Schools. She also continued her education evenings, taking Bible courses for many years. After 30 years of teaching Dianne retired and completed her Masters and Doctorate degrees in Christian Ministry from Christian Leadership University.
During her working years she was instrumental in founding the Apalachin Methodist Pre-School, Abide in the Vine Child Care Center and the Apalachin Library. She has built 4 libraries over the years.
Her family has grown with the addition of 12 grandchildren. During her free time, Dianne makes quilts and is a family genealogist. Prayer and Worship is a large part of her life. She has been a member of MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries (a prophetic ministry) for 15 years.
Jennifer serves as Host Team Coordinator, Women’s Ministries Coordinator and does the graphic designs for The Father’s Heart. A native of Brooklyn, New York, Jennifer made her way to Upstate NY by way of New Jersey as a teenager, and Forest Lake Pennsylvania where she raised her 4 children. Seven of those years were spent homeschooling them until after 21 years of marriage, her divorce led her to relocate to the Binghamton area.
Raised in a devout Catholic family, Jennifer has always been involved in church life since a child and has served in many areas of ministry including “folk group”, VBS, children’s Sunday School, Usher, Greeter, Hospitality, Women’s Ministries, and teaching, often leading in those areas.
In 2001, Jennifer and Rick, who met while attending First Assembly of God (now City Church) wed and live in Apalachin. Together, they have 6 children and 16 grandchildren scattered in 3 states. In her spare time, Jennifer loves to garden, bake, spend time with family and friends and play the ukelele.